
Strengholt Music Group

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Strengholt Music Group

Strengholt Music Group consists of Strengholt Music Publishing, Intersong Basart Music Publishers and Basart International Music Publishers. The music group has been the number one independent music publisher in the Benelux for the past 50 years.

The activities include the commercial exploitation of music rights (copyrights) in film, advertising, television shows, compilations, games, mobile phone services and internet platforms. The publication of (sheet)music, exclusive representation of foreign music publishers, national and international administration of copyrights as worldwide copyright holder or as sub-publisher.

The extensive catalogue contains national and international contemporary hits and evergreens such as “Viva España” and more than threehundred versions of Pierre Kartner’s “Het Kleine Café aan de Haven” (Red Rose Cafe). Malando’s “Olé Guapa” is still one of the most famous tangos in the world. Strengholt Music Group has its own offices in Europe and a strong network of Independent Music Publishers.